Pride is perhaps the most dangerous of all sin.  No person is immune from an infection of pride. Pride is what made Lucifer Satan.   It turns God’s hand against us and invites ruin on our lives. It can gain a foothold in our lives without us even realizing it.

Pride self-test: Please take this test before proceeding:

  • Do you consider yourself to be better than other people?
  • Do you refrain from doing things that would be embarrassing?
  • Do you have difficulty raising your hands in worship to God?
  • Do you let what others may think about you hold you back from doing things?
  • Do you have trouble admitting when you are wrong?
  • Do you consider yourself to always be right?
  • Do you get angry when someone doesn’t agree with you?
  • Do you look down on others because of their race, gender, creed, education, position, personal hygiene or appearance?
  • Do you find yourself habitually interrupting people in conversations to give your comments?
  • Do you enjoy being the center of attention at parties?
  • Do you enjoy talking about yourself in front of others?
  • Do you find it hard to be impressed with what other people have done?
  • Do you feel that you have an answer for everything?
  • Do you frequently respond to other people’s stories with “I know,” or “that’s nothing”?
  • Do you strive to impress others with your wealth, your possessions, how you drive, body appearance, athletic ability, professional ability, or humor?
  • Do you find yourself criticizing others?
  • Do arrogant people really annoy you?
  • Do you like to always be first or at least near the front of the line?
  • Is it important to you to always win?
  • Do you take pride in being a humble person?

If the answer to the any of the above questions was “yes,” we encourage you to read on.

Pride is sin: Proverbs makes it clear that pride is sin: “Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin” (Proverbs 21:4 NIV). “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. (Proverbs 16:5 NIV). (see also Proverbs 6:16-18)

What pride does to us:

Sources of Pride

Dealing with Pride

If you have sinned by pride in your life, we encourage you to confess and repent from it. Here are suggested prayers to confess and repent of pride:
Confess:  “Father God, I confess that I have been prideful in these specific ways: ……(name them all). I see my pride as sin and I ask your forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for this forgiveness I have in Jesus Christ.”

Repent: Repenting from our sin is just as important as confessing it (Luke 13:3). Repentance means to turn from our sin and commit our way to living for God.
“Father God, I turn from my pride now, and I surrender every area of my life that has been a source of pride: ….(name them all). I lay them all down before your throne, and commit myself to serving You in humility. I ask for opportunities each day to put on humility.  I renounce any evil spirits I have allowed in through my pride and command you in the name of Jesus Christ to depart from me and trouble me no more. I close the door to pride, bar it with the cross of Christ and seal it with the blood of Christ, Amen.”

Put on humility: Humility reverses the effects of pride. When we put on humility, we gain God’s favor and assistance in the battles we face. Humility can even change God’s mind. King Josiah’s humility postponed God’s judgment on Israel (Chronicles 34:27). Humility combined with prayer and repentance opens the doors to forgiveness and healing (2 Chronicles 7:14). For other verses on humility see 1 Peter 5:5-6, Isaiah 2:12, Psalm 18:27, Psalm 37:11, Matthew 5:5.

Here are some ways to put on humility each day:

  • Surrender control of our lives to God
  • Follow Jesus and make him master of our lives (Philippians 2:5-8)
  • Consider others better than ourselves  (Philippians 2:2-4)
  • Be quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:9)
  • Spend time praising and worshiping God

See our page on Humility