I have learned many things about living the Christian life and walking in sexual purity since God set me free in 1998. I’ve incorporated these lessons in the below courses for your benefit. I pray that you will grow closer to God and discover the “new life” that he has prepared for you to live in Christ – a life free of sex addiction and any other thing that may be hindering you. I’ve written them with the assumption that the reader has placed faith in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t placed faith in Jesus, please first visit my Peace with God page before proceeding.
Course Title: Freedom Journey 1
Purpose: To address the foundational issues of breaking sexual addictions and returning to a close walk with God
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: 60 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Freedom from Masturbation
Purpose: Provide specific instruction on finding and removing the roots of masturbation addiction
Recommended prerequisites: Freedom Journey 1
Length: 19 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Freedom Journey 2
Purpose: As a continuation of Freedom Journey 1, FJ2 focuses on how to live as a new person in Christ and includes emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s role.
Recommended prerequisites: Freedom Journey 1
Freedom from Masturbation
Length: 38 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Homosexuality
Purpose: Address the roots, lies, consequences and spiritual side of homosexuality and provide steps for getting started in recovery
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: 20 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Overcoming Temptations
Purpose: To examine how temptations work and explain the biblical strategies we have for overcoming temptations successfully.
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: 20 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Spiritual Warfare Bible Study
Purpose: Written in Bible Study format, this course takes an in-depth look at the origin of spiritual warfare, the role of the Christian in spiritual warfare, spiritual weaponry, the enemy’s tactics, combat examples from scripture, healing from battle wounds and much more.
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: 2 documents (questions & answer key) ~76 pages each
Format: Bible Study with hyperlinks included for each verse
Course Title: Deliverance from Evil Spirits
Purpose: Provide an introduction to deliverance and an overview of what to expect when receiving deliverance ministry; includes discussion on demonization and biblical references to deliverance ministry
Recommended prerequisites: Freedom Journey 1
Length: 13 pages
Format: Instructional with question & answer sections; includes sample prayers
Course Title: Spouse Recovery Studies
Purpose: These studies are designed to address the many issues that Christian spouses of sex addicts typically face. After corresponding with thousands of people over the years, we’ve realized there is a great need for this study. It contains sections that address a person’s own healing journey, dealing with a spouse’s addiction, introduction to spiritual warfare and discussion of difficult topics, such as tough love, separation, divorce and protecting the children.
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: varies
Format: Instructional, with some Bible Study sections
Go to the Studies
Course Title: The Armor of God
Purpose: Discuss the function of each part of the armor of God and explain how to deploy it in typical spiritual warfare situations
Recommended prerequisites: None
Length: 21 pages
Format: Instructional; includes sample prayers
Resources in Other Languages:
- Российское исследование – путь к свободе
- Российское исследование – Грех поколений